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Monday, May 16, 2011

The Threads that keep us together

Throughout our life there are threads that hold us together.  The threads that stayed strong this past week were my team members.  Through marathon skyping on weekends, combined with working lunches and independent work, we managed to pull together a project we were equally proud of.  Kudo's to Scott and Julie.  The amazing thing was how they kept me sane - Thanks.

Speaking of threads, I did take an evening off to visit with my cousin and her family that came in from Durban, South Africa for a short visit.  Had the opportunity to work with her son, Jed, to organize our extended family tree.  We sat side by side with our laptops, entering the information we knew into the coolest site, Family Mingle.  From zero to 144 family members in two days.  Check out the site, it allows for secure photo albums, contact information, calendars, event planning, message board...  I know it is not "education related" but it is allowing us to organize our family using the family papers we have floating around.  I can't wait to be able to send out birthday cards on time - the calendar is GREAT! Hopefully none of the family will pass out when they get their card on time!

Well onward we go... here's a quilt to keep you warm after the FREEZE!

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