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Saturday, May 14, 2011

$2M school cafeteria camera study creates controversy

This one is for the books -
$2M school cafeteria camera study creates controversy

There have been many ways we have tried to combat the obesity epidemic, but is
"Big Brother" the answer? This seems that it has no sound educational background
behind it. Seems to me that the San Antonio School District has been SOLD a bill
of goods. For $2 million we could pay some Family and Consumer Science teachers
to teach nutritional decision making, involving the community. Students will eat
what their parents eat; so making them feel guilty at school will have little affect at
all on the kids. 
So on several levels this just seems wrong:
  • $2 million federal tax dollars being spent in five schools
  • The lack of privacy as to what is eaten
  • The kids realize that they could just easily rearrange what is on their plates when they throw them out.
  • We aren't teaching children good eating habits - If we don't offer the poor choices, the students will not eat them.
Let's get real - teach nutrition in a real way, let them experience real food, healthy food and they will eat it.


  1. Interesting article. The amount of money they're spending on the cameras is mind-blowing. I mentioned the article to my husband, who serves cafeteria duty as his work place, Buena Regional HS. He says he witnesses a lot of waste.Results from the cameras could be eye-opening, but the money being spent is a major concern in this economy.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What upsets me is the amount of "white" food I see kids eat. Why serve french fries with pizza in the cafeteria? I know it starts at home and that's the toughest part. When I stand in the check-out line at Shoprite I always look at what the person in front of me is buying. It's usually a big cart of "white" food. So that's mostly what kids are eating at home. I'm not perfect either--one might find chicken tenders or real ice cream in my cart but I feel like we're fighting a losing battle with kids. I don't know where I'm going with this but... As for waste, my kids' lunches cost $2.25. My daughter eats 4 chicken nuggets, drinks her milk, and throws her fruit and veggies away. When I was in high school I ate peanut butter TastyCakes everyday for lunch. Now I eat edamame, Kashi, or half a chicken breast. I guess what I'm trying to say is that in a lot of cases, people learn to eat right when they get older. It's a shame though. There, I'm done:-)
