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Monday, May 21, 2012

Information Overload...

This weekend was edcamp Philly at University of PA.  I had signed up and was really looking forward to the opportunity to learn from other educators.  Unfortunately I woke up Saturday with one of those awful sinus headaches that preventing me from attending.
  I'm sure I missed a lot, but I had the opportunity to attend an online professional development workshop through 2012 4T Virtual Conference.
    I was able to attend a few workshops that I found quite interesting; especially Making Curriculum POP.
Teaching our curriculum using Pop Culture, integrating film clips, offering cooperative learning experiences that focus students on real world "jobs", such as fashion consultant, sociologist, economist to evaluate the message.  Check out the Ning and see what is offered.  The workshops are running Saturday through Tuesday and this evening I was able to attend a workshop on using Twitter in the classroom.  I'm not sure that Twitter is the right medium for my class, but the ideas could easily be integrated into Edmodo.
So in a few minutes I will begin the next session - Everthing Speaks - using QR codes in education, getting students to interact.  Hope this doesn't put me into Information Meltdown!
   Best part of the weekend, getting to interact with teachers around the country and world!  Already have found some new online collaborators to tweet with...
   Oh don't forget to join Classroom 2.0 - collaborate with other like minded educators who are integrating web 2.0 tools into the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sue!
    You responded to my comment on Fed Up With School Lunch a few days ago. I am definitely interested in talking to you. Is there an email address where I could contact you?
