I found this week fun, as I attempted to create a "hacked" toy into something useful. Even though I love to have fun, I have to find a way that whatever I create can be used... I think it is that nasty work ethic my parents instilled in me. So after digging around Goodwill for small, cheap toys I was able to make myself a hacked pencil holder. What makes it so much fun are the small characters that are smiling at me, holding my business cards and post-it notes.
Check out the process: Completed #ToyHack
Thanks for all your support after my first animoto with my unfinished and uninspired productivity that had nothing to do with toys, and all as a teaser... Thank you Jesus!
This led me to thinking about how this "hacking" experience can be brought to my classroom this fall as I followed discussions and postings about hacking games. I think my students will have a tremendous time hacking board games for originality. I can't wait to see how they share.
I've tried so much this week, creating a meme for hacking:

This caused me some soul searching as I had to edit my words (something I find difficult). How could I create a meme that represented the curriculum I teach - cooking is the ultimate HACK!
Not only did I do the Hack, post animoto, and create a Meme, I also participated in my first Twitter Chat using TweetDeck. Wow, what a productive first week of summer!
My thoughts are going a million miles per hour, as I prepare to take a group of 3 middle school students to the annual FCCLA (Family, Careers and Community Leaders of America) National Leadership Conference in Nashville, TN. There we will compete in several events but one is certainly a HACKING event. Take a pair of Khaki pants and turn them into something different, and create a marketing and feasibility plan around the new product(s). This must be based upon a perceived need, solving a societal problem. The problem here is the overabundance of unused clothing and textile products that are filling our landfills.
I have seen so many great new tools that I will have to explore in the coming weeks, yet I feel I will only touch upon a few. My goal is for my students to become more connected before, during and after their projects. I thank all of the members of CLMooc for the inspiration. I can't wait to see what I attempt, fail, and then succeed at!