What a day yesterday was! I planned on spending the afternoon in WIMBA with the optional class. I thought my computer was already to accept all that would happen; it texted fine on April 12th. Well, in keeping with my techno jinxing; I was not able to communicate - How many times can an error message appear? After 7 hours of communicating with stockton help, blackboard help, comcast help and Amy, I have learned more about "hidden" history files than I ever needed or wanted to know. Now my students know one of my favorite sayings is: "Time is Money" Well, 7 hours of wasted spring break is PRICELESS!
Is this tech worth it? Still not resolved, so if you see a laptop flying through the air in South Jersey, I can almost bet it's mine!
But on a better note: after all the hair pulling I went through, I actually was able to attend my 11PM Stocks and Bonds Webinar that was through "Go To Meeting". All communication worked fine there, so I'm thinking the other issue was "Blackboard". Learned a ton about Stocks and Bonds, and hope to use technology to practice wealth management. Somehow I need to pay for all the technology. Hopefully the time spent until 1AM will translate into money.
Speaking about money - found a great video about "Free Offers" that is offered through the FTC. It is simple and to the point, and certainly something that every consumer should understand. In case you did not know - YOU ARE CONSUMERS. Found it on the federal gov't's blog: federal gov't blog; check it out.
free trial
I commend your dedication to our grad work over spring break. I've trying to carve out a bit of time each evening after my children go to bed to work on tech stuff. Time is money and most definitely PRICELESS! Hope you're not stressing too much. If it helps, you're not alone :-)